We apologize for our webcam being down, apparently our two days of rain have knocked out our internet.
I’m posting this update from my phone.
we hope to be back online shortly, in the meantime we’ll work on getting puppy pictures.
09/14/12 URGENT
Rat Terrier in our local pound. Looks to be a special needs case, hard of hearing if he hears at all.
I met him and he’s VERY sweet, I was able to roll him over and touch him anywhere and he just took it. Needs some groceries and TLC. I’d be more than happy to help work with his disability and new family.
Wythe County Animal Control is located at 600 Atkins Mill Road, Wytheville, VA, 24382
The shelter is open to the public from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; Monday through Saturday 3 to 5 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Visitation at other times is by appointment only. To contact animal control or the shelter please call (276) 228-6003
Meet Carter
Male Stray from Gullion Fork Road
Found with collar
Very sweet little guy
Think he might have some hearing loss
Approx 3 years old
Ready for adoption Sept. 21, 2012
ID 12120
Puppy pictures are up!
Puppies also had their first vet visit today get their tails docked and dewclaws removed.
The ‘Star Wars’ litter is born!
3 girls (1 black tri tux/2 chocolate tri tux) & 3 boys (1 black tri piebald/2 chocolate tri piebald)
Pictures to come soon!
Nimh Kennels now has a live webcam!!! View our Litters & Available Dogs page to view our live feed! We are currently awaiting the arrival of Braidy & Louie’s puppies, puppy watch with us!
Puppies due late August 2012
Braidy & Louie!
Taking applications for interested families
Miss Sapphire found a new home today with a Shiba Inu sibling in Maryland!
Breck went to her new home today! Gonna have a Jack Russel Brother
Rosko Valley’s Ask Mikey & a puppy we have dubbed ‘Diamond’ have joined the dogs here at Nimh Kennels but Mikey is living with the in-laws and they are loving him.
We have one of Diamond’s sisters available to a loving home. Pictures and info to come soon.
Official CHAMPION ‘PR’ Nimh’s Pure Imagination – ‘Mage’
Official CHAMPION ‘PR’ Nimh’s The Candy Man – ‘Cedrick’
Recall Update
Not Just Diamond brands are being recalled!
More information and a list found here:
•Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul
•Country Value
•Diamond Naturals
•Premium Edge
•Taste of the Wild
•Kirkland Signature/Kirkland Signature Nature’s Domain