We still have 1 male pup available. An adorable black tri piebald! Give us a call or fill out an application if interested.
Puppies started leaving this past week. We still have 1 male and 1 female available. Both are black tris, pretty little pups. If you’re interested please put in an application and we’ll get back with you asap!
The pups were 6 weeks old this past weekend and growing wild. We still have 1 male and 1 female available from this litter. We won’t ship, must pick up in person but can meet at airport, if you’re interested in a puppy please fill out an application found here on the site.
Finally got 4week puppy pictures up! and they had their first outting in the front yard.
To those that have been following my son’s hospital stay, hopefully he comes home tomorrow 100% well. He didn’t want to take his antibiotics so we got another 5 day stay in the hospital, hence why we didn’t get a chance to take 3week old pictures.
Pictures may be a little late this week, my 3yr old is in the hospital recuperating from a ruptured appendix.
I appreciate your patience. Enjoy the cam 🙂
We have started to contact our waiting list. Please keep a check on your spam folders in case it gets dumped there. It will come from patchpony@aol.com or ashley@ratsofnimh.com
Pups are doing great, hope everyone is enjoying the camera!
If you haven’t seen already, we’ve posted puppy pictures in an album on our facebook page!
For those just tuning in, Rummy is in labor, we have 6 live births so far and I expect quite a few more by her size still. We’ll get a gender/color count when she’s done (probably tomorrow), she’s a good but nervous mommy.
Happy Mothers Day to all mommies and Rummy!
Camera here: https://video.nest.com/live/RA8nCNuCRy
Rummy’s temperature is under 98degrees this morning so labor should begin within the next 24 hours… we are on official puppy watch!
Live camera should be on the whole time. 🙂 YAY
Got the camera up!
Direct link here:
Or can also watch it on the Available litters/dogs page.