Nimh Kennel
Rat Terriers

April 1st, 2013

Happy April Fool’s day all!

Joking aside, have the following updates:

Dodger won 5pts this past weekend but no majors, was a slow weekend for both him and our Picard.  The rest of the weekend he took reserve to a very nice younger male.  Our Picard, Farrah, took Best Champion once over one other Picard but didn’t beat the GrandChampion for Breed so no Major win towards her GrandChampion title yet.

Miss Tamale & Miss Rodeo are both reserved with deposits, hopefully they’ll be going to their new homes this coming weekend.

Romeo is still available looking for his show home to fulfill his potential & Miss Reba is still looking for her own warm couch.

We’ll be confirming Matisse’s pregnancy in the next couple weeks so keep checking back, we’re expecting big things from this litter (sire: Clique).  If you think you’d be interested in a puppy please submit a filled out application to get your name on the waiting list.

We’ll be preparing for our next show, mid April, in Athens, TN.  If you’re in the area, we highly recommend dropping by the show site, the weekend of the 20th, and see what we’re all about!

Masquerade Picards will be welcoming their first import from France this summer, please check our site to keep updated on that progress.  Also, we hope to breed our CH ALLSTARS Farrah Fawcett this summer as well, the Masquerade website will keep updates for that.

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